Hope For Afghan Women

An association that works on the ground for the empowerment of women and the education of children

Discover our 4 intervention areas :

The mission of Hope For Afghan Women is to help women and children living in absolute poverty. The main cause of the current economic precariousness is the arrival of the Taliban in power and, with it, the massive exodus of the intellectual class and the youth, on whom the government had invested enormously over the last 24 years in order to build a stable future for Afghanistan. The country has suddenly lost everything it had struggled to build in recent years, and women are the first victims of the restrictive policy introduced by the regime.

The executive director of the World Food Programme (WFP), David Beasley, stressed that Afghanistan is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, with the collapse of food security.

Hope For Afghan Women started its activities in 2020 with a particular focus on women's training and children's schooling, with a very specific goal: the empowerment of vulnerable populations, and in this case the empowerment of women and girls, poor parents of the Afghan system. The objective of the association is to provide for the vital needs of vulnerable families, and then to help them develop a lucrative activity in order to escape the spiral of poverty.

Read our latest news! (in French) De retour de Kaboul and Collaboration avec Uplift Afghanistan Fund

To discover why and how
the association was born Read more
To discover what we do
currently on the fieldRead more
To find out how you can
help us in our actionRead more

Une action couronnée de succès

  • Sauvetage de 3 petites filles destinées à être vendues…
    Grâce à votre soutien continu, vos efforts collectifs et vos précieux dons, nous avons travaillé dur pour sauver la vie de ces petites filles afghanes. Grâce à vous, nous avons atteint notre objectif en empêchant qu’elles soient vendues à des hommes plus âgés par leurs propres parents pour subvenir aux besoins de leurs familles très pauvres.

All the products sold here are unique.
They are handcrafted by our beneficiaries, with old materials and fabrics found in the markets of Kabul

Discover our shop